

  • 8
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 上海市 奉贤区 工业综合开发区 大叶公路
  • 姓名: 吕贵德
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:机械 阀门
  • 发布日期:2023-10-30
  • 阅读量:289
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:J941W-16P
  • 产品数量:10000.00 台
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:上海奉贤工业综合开发区  
  • 关键词:不锈钢电动截止阀


    Strucure features and usages:
    When fully closed,the handwheel rotates clockwise.
    Able to be mounted on any position of the pipeline,the medium flows from down to up.
    Stainless steel made stop valve is of good anti-corrosive property and enough strength and suitable for various pipelines with corrosive medium.
    Alloy steel made stop valve features high-temperature resistance,suitable for high-temperature steam and oil goods pipelines.
    Main dimensions and weight:
    Test pressure
    公称压力PN(MPa)Nominal pressure	1.6	2.5	4.0	6.4	?	?
    壳体强度试验Shell strength test	2.4	3.8	6.0	9.6	?	?
    上密封试验Back seal test	1.8	2.8	4.4	7.0	?	?
    密封试验Seal test	1.8	2.8	4.4	7.0	?	?
    Scope of use
    产品类型Product classification	适用介质Suitable medium	适用温度(℃)Suitable temperature
    ?	?	?
    J941W-P	硝酸类Nitric acid	≤200℃
    J41W-R	醋酸类Acetic acid	≤200℃
    ?	?	?
    Material for main parts:
    产品类型Product classification	零件名称Part name
    	阀体、阀盖Body bonnet	阀杆Valve stem	阀瓣Disc	密封面Sealing face	阀杆螺母Yoke nut	填料Packing	紧固件Fastener	手轮Handwheel
    ?	?	?	?	?	?	?	?	?
    J41W-P J941W-P	铬镍钛钢Cr.Ni.Ti steel	铬镍钛钢Cr.Ni.Ti steel	铬镍钛钢Cr.Ni.Ti steel	铬镍钛钢Cr.Ni.Ti steel	铝青铜Albronze	柔性石墨Flexible graphite	不锈钢Stainless steel	可锻铸铁Forgeable cast-iron
    J41W-R	铬镍钼钛钢Cr.Ni.Mo.Ti steel	铬镍钼钛钢Cr.Ni.Mo.Ti steel	铬镍钼钛钢Cr.Ni.Mo.Ti steel	铬镍钼钛钢Cr.Ni.Mo.Ti steel	铝青铜Albronze	柔性石墨Flexible graphite	不锈钢Stainless steel	可锻铸铁Forgeable cast-iron
    ?	?	?	?	?	?	?	?	?
    Main dimensions and weight:
    公称通径DNNominal diameter	主要外形尺寸和连接尺寸(mm)Main external and connecting dimensions	重量(kg)Weight
    	L	D	D1	D2	b	f	z-d	H	D0	
    ?J41W-16P J41W-16R
    10	130	90	60	40	14	2	4-14	198	120	4.7
    15	130	95	65	45	16	2	4-14	218	120	5.2
    20	150	105	75	55	16	2	4-14	258	140	7.1
    25	160	115	85	65	16	2	4-14	275	160	7.4
    32	180	135	100	78	18	2	4-18	280	180	8.5
    40	200	145	110	85	18	3	4-18	330	200	12.5
    50	230	160	125	100	18	3	4-18	350	240	20
    65	290	180	145	12	18	3	4-18	400	280	25
    80	310	195	160	135	20	3	8-18	355	280	35
    100	350	215	180	155	22	3	8-18	415	320	50
    125	400	245	210	185	24	3	8-18	460	360	75
    150	480	280	240	210	24	3	8-23	510	400	100
    200	600	335	295	265	26	3	12-23	710	400	210
    250	650	405	355	320	30	3	12-23	786	450	446
    300	750	460	410	375	30	3	12-23	925	500	648
    Main dimensions and weight:
    公称通径DN Nominal diameter	?J41W-25P J41W-25R?? J941W-25P J941W-25R
    	主要外形尺寸和连接尺寸(mm)Main external and connecting dimensions	电动装置 Electric dewice	重量(kg) Weight
    	L	D	D1	D2	b	f	z-d	H手	H电	D0		手动 Hand	电动 Electric
    10	130	90	60	4	16	2	4-14	198	?	120	?	4.9	?
    15	130	95	65	45	16	2	4-14	218	?	120	?	5.4	?
    20	150	105	75	55	16	2	4-14	258	?	140	?	7	?
    25	160	115	85	65	16	2	4-14	275	?	160	?	7.4	?
    32	180	135	100	78	18	2	4-18	280	?	180	?	8.5	?
    40	200	145	110	85	18	3	4-18	330	?	200	?	12.5	?
    50	230	160	125	100	20	3	4-18	350	645	240	DZW101	16	50
    65	290	180	145	120	22	3	8-18	400	690	280	DZW101	25	62
    80	310	195	160	135	22	3	8-18	355	715	280	DZW151	30	67
    100	350	230	190	160	24	3	8-23	415	770	320	DZW20	34.5	73
    125	40	270	220	188	28	3	8-25	460	780	360	DZW30	89	127
    15	480	300	250	218	30	3	8-25	510	875	400	DZW45	98	215
    200	600	360	310	278	34	3	12-25	710	967	400	DZW60	180	322
    250	650	425	370	332	36	3	12-30	786	?	450	?	446	?
    300	750	485	430	390	40	4	12-30	925	?	500	?	654	?
    公称通径DN Nominal diameter	?J41W-40P J41W-40R J941W-40P J941W-40R
    	主要外形尺寸和连接尺寸(mm)Main external and connecting dimensions	电动装置 Electric dewice	重量(kg) Weight
    	L	D	D1	D2	D6	b	f	f2	z-d	H手	H电	D0		手动 Hand	电动 Electric
    10	130	90	60	40	35	16	2	4	4-14	198	?	120	?	4.9	?
    15	130	95	65	45	40	16	2	4	4-14	233	?	120	?	5.4	?
    20	15	15	75	55	51	16	2	4	4-14	275	?	140	?	7	?
    25	160	115	85	65	58	16	2	4	4-14	285	?	160	?	8.8	?
    32	180	135	100	78	66	18	2	4	4-18	302	?	180	?	11.8	?
    40	200	145	110	85	76	18	3	4	4-18	355	?	200	?	16.5	?
    50	230	160	125	100	88	20	3	4	4-18	373	645	240	DZW101	24	61
    65	290	180	145	120	110	22	3	44	8-18	408	690	280	DZW101	33	75
    80	310	195	160	135	121	22	3	4	8-18	436	715	320	DZW201	44	84
    100	350	230	190	160	15	24	3	4.5	8-23	480	770	360	DZW301	60	101
    125	400	270	220	188	176	28	3	4.5	8-25	558	782	400	DZW45	89	207
    150	480	300	250	218	204	30	3	4.5	8-25	611	875	400	DZW60	98	226
    200	600	375	320	282	260	38	3	4.5	12-30	720	1160	400	DZW901	190	339
    Main dimensions and weight:
    公称通径DN Nominal diameter	主要外形尺寸和连接尺寸(mm)Main external and connecting dimensions	电动装置Electric dewice	重量(kg)Weight
    	L	D	D1	D2	D6	b	f	f2	z-d	H手	H电	D0		手动Hnad	电动Electric
    J41W-64P J941W-64P J41W-64R J941W-64R
    10	170	100	70	50	35	18	2	4	4-14	198	?	120	?	5.7	?
    15	170	105	75	55	41	18	2	4	4-14	195	?	140	?	10	?
    20	190	125	90	68	51	20	2	4	4-18	228	?	160	?	13	?
    25	210	135	100	78	58	22	2	4	4-18	275	?	180	?	14.5	?
    32	230	150	110	82	66	24	2	4	4-23	325	?	200	?	19	?
    40	260	165	125	95	76	24	3	4	4-23	360	?	240	?	25	?
    50	300	175	135	105	88	26	3	4	8-23	410	710	280	DZW10	35	64
    65	340	200	160	130	110	28	3	4	8-23	450	750	320	DZW15	48	77
    80	380	210	170	140	121	30	3	4	8-23	485	785	360	DZW30	56	88
    100	430	250	200	168	150	32	3	4	8-25	537	837	400	DZW45	125	171
    125	500	295	240	202	176	36	3	4	8-30	631	?	400	?	131	?
    150	550	340	280	240	204	38	3	4	8-34	646	?	450	?	157	?
    200	650	405	345	300	260	44	3	4	12-34	813	?	500	?	283	?

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